Holistic Counselor & Therapist | Transpersonal Doula  | Integrative Bodyworker | Ecological Healer

Holistic Counselor & Therapist
Transpersonal Doula
Integrative Bodyworker
Ecological Healer


Here are some commonly asked questions about how my services work together.

Structural Integration and massage therapy are both manual therapies that support body awareness however the goals are different. Structural Integration organizes and educates the body in gravity via the fascia system in a systematic way. Fascia is a body-wide tension and compression continuum that is our organ of form. Massage therapy weaves together many modalities and approaches to support healing and wellness.

Structural integration works with fascial patterns to optimize the structure in gravity. Myofascial release is a technique that release points of dysfunction in muscle/fascial relationships. Structural Integration works with all the continuous layers of connective tissue including ligaments, tendons and the fascial sacs that encase nerves, organs, bones and muscles.

Heart Centered Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis both employ work with the subconscious mind and trance brain states to accomplish healing. Hypnosis is just the use of trance to access patterns that need healing, like smoking. Hypnotherapy is a diverse body therapies that uses hypnosis as one tool to achieve healing. Hypnotherapy is vastly more effective because we use a variety of therapeutic tools to reach root cause and then build resources to change and heal.

Posture or the way our body is in relationship with gravity has many layers. Yes, there is the mechanical patterning that influences how we sit, stand and move that is the result of what we do and how we do it. That layer can be released and educated resulting in change. However, postural patterns are also rooted in culture, family patterns and beliefs. These layers require awareness, attention and curiosity to change….In short, posture is much more complex that releasing tense muscles and moving differently. My work invests in all layers to help you make lasting and positive changes on multiple levels.

The answer is it has been a very intentional process because they all work beautifully together in a way that I have seen is truly holistic and life-changing for clients.

All of my work is infused with a foundation in energy medicine and deep listening so I do not even need to list that as a modality, it runs through all of my work, it is a given in my view.

SOMA Structural Integration is a powerful path to optimizing neuromuscular patterns and solving imbalances in the body that lead to pain. It also greatly increases mind/body/environment awareness resulting in a more dynamic and easeful relationship with ourselves as we navigate gravity and the material world, embodied. Combine SOMA with Craniosacral therapy and we see a deepening of all the benefits to include unobstructed flow and rhythm system-wide coming from a supported nervous system and fluid body.

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is one of the most somatic and body-centered of all Hypnotherapy schools out there, a perfect match for my practice. Not only do I want to support my clients as they heal their bodies and movement patterns I want to help them get to the deeper layers of belief that keep them going back to those patterns. Often movement patterns are rooted in experiences we have been through that were difficult and even traumatic. My clients can choose to add Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy to the treatment plan when they feel called to resolve deeper, embedded behaviors that keep them bound in some way.

Flower and Gem essence therapy is like a net of support that cradles the whole process and imbues light and consciousness from nature to enlighten us and the way. Flower and Gem essences are so gentle that they are never contra-indicated yet they are so potent and powerful that I work with over 300 different ones and am always adding to my apothecary.