Holistic Counselor & Therapist | Transpersonal Doula  | Integrative Bodyworker | Ecological Healer

Holistic Counselor & Therapist
Transpersonal Doula
Integrative Bodyworker
Ecological Healer



Mind/body/spirit/nature – process-based work rooted in compassion-focused therapy, somatics, parts work, ACT and the best of the evidence-based modalities that are rooted in strengths-based processing.

Heart Centered Hypnotherapy is a synthesis of a variety of evidence based therapy modalities combined with the best of hypnotherapy to access and resolve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Life-long patterns rooted in core beliefs, subconscious programming and memory are brought into consciousness and healed in a safe and structured environment. HCH is a way to support and heal parts of ourselves that are not normally accessible with traditional therapy. We build internal resources as part of each session so the client can continue to work between sessions in a useful and productive way. I teach clients how to stay connected to their internal resources to create healthy new beliefs. 

Transpersonal hypnotherapy and guided journeying includes working with specific energetic patterns, past lives, attachments, soul retrieval, lineage/ancestral work, soul level commitments and amendments and many other aspects of spiritual work. This work is a unique and original experience each time. I draw from the vast resources brought forward by all human culture, subtle modalities and the social and biological sciences. I track and guide each session firmly rooted in ethical communication and consent. We journey to find resources specific to your needs, to meet allies committed to supporting you and of course, to heal and expand consciousness. Journeying is a very rich practice that opens worlds that many other processes cannot access. Guided journeying is an empowering way to do much needed healing work as you learn deeper ways to support yourself.

Guided Journeying is a wonderful maintenance self-care practice but is especially helpful when deeper healing is needed.

  • When feeling fragmented/scattered or like something is missing from your wholeness
  • When feeling unsupported/alone in life/abandoned
  • When feeling foggy/ungrounded/spacey/disconnected
  • When feeling lost/non-committal/accident prone
  • When feeling exhausted/drained
  • When feeling bound/limited/trapped

Somatic-based trauma healing modality rooted in the latest in neuroscience for trauma and attachment healing, Hikomi,& mindfulness

Working with personal records/beliefs, compassionate deposession, soul retrieval, womb and blood cleansing, lineage patterns/ancestral work, collective healing and more…

Support for navigating a diagnosis, planning the last chapter of life, legacy projects, pain relief processes, forgiveness work and all other aspects of this sacred transition. Healthy aging. Ceremonial and memorial services.


SOMA Neuromuscular Integration is transformative bodywork based on the inseparability of body, mind, emotions and environment. It is a system of manual and movement therapy that optimizes neuromuscular patterning for systemic balance.


Craniosacral work is based on a shamanistic and meditative approach as well as on physiological facts, making it potent and powerful.

Craniosacral therapy is based on the understanding that the same natural forces shaping the world also influence the human body. It focuses on a concept called Primary Respiration—a subtle, rhythmic movement present in all living organisms. This movement is distinct from other natural rhythms like respiratory and heart heartbeat and plays a critical role in maintaining physiological balance.



I offer custom essences for people and animals. I have been a devoted student and crafter of flower essences for over 30 years and believe that everyone can benefit from these powerful yet gentle medicines.

An ordained minister is a member of the clergy who has been authorized to perform spiritual services and provide guidance to a community. 


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