Holistic Counselor  | Transpersonal Doula  | Somatic Therapist

Holistic Counselor
Transpersonal Doula
Somatic Therapist


Holistic Counselor

Transpersonal Doula 

Somatic Therapist

Some of the biggest truths about myself that have shaped my character personally and professionally are that I have always been oriented toward plurality, meaning I think in spectrums.  The scientist in me validates this since diversity in all systems is a good thing.

I am not neurotypical and was labeled hyper, difficult, “too much”…. as a child and that led me into myself and nature. Plants and animals and have always been precious to me. 

I am hypermobile and love to move so I have lived with chronic pain for many years of my life. Living with and attending to pain in my body has led me into deeper embodiment. 

I am energetically and kinesthetically sensitive or what these days would be called an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP) so naturally I have worked with this population, they are led to me. 

I am in  the 98th percentile for pattern recognition and that means that for most of my young life I was overwhelmed unless I was alone in nature, doing something with my hands or moving. 

As a child in the late 70’s and 80’s girls were not on the radar for support for diverse neural processing, especially coupled with being big-spirited and highly energetic. Everyone just wanted me to be still and quiet….two things that were impossible for me.  So, I was put in kindergarten at age 4, I did 4th and 5th grade in one year and dropped out of high school freshmen year to later move on and earn multiple certifications and degrees with honors. 

I found meditation on my own around age 11 or 12, found cross-cultural spirituality before I could understand what the books were saying, found shamanism via books during my pre-teen years and was very into the liberation and consciousness studies of the 1960’s from about puberty on.

These identity shaping experiences and more added up to a large pattern of almost always feeling “different” in small rural America. I value my differentness now and live from my unique authentic self but it was a tremendous journey with lots of healing work to get here. 

I will walk along side you and support your uniqueness always!!

A session with me may include somatic processes, transpersonal explorations, parts work, archetypes, neural support, subtle energy and hypnotherapy. Transpersonal work can take the form of intuitive processes, energetic medicine, regression work, working with lineage patterns and existential concerns, compassionate depossession, soul retrieval, collective healing, contract/record work, womb cleansing, blood cleansing and more.

I have studied with spiritual teachers from a variety of traditions and am able to offer processes based on those teachings ethically and adeptly. All processes in my office are facilitated with constant consent and resourcing, drawing on the inner wisdom of the client and from the whole human family.

It is always a good time to work on existential concerns and to prepare for future life stages. Such work softens the present moment and expands the quality of life.