My psychotherapy & counseling work is always a collaborative process and is strengths-based, compassion-focused, humanistic, transpersonal, somatic, and existential. My role as a trauma-aware and neurodiverse affirming provider blends all that I have learned over time in service of authentic integration and resolution. My approach is ecological, meaning I work with the whole system even as we focus on a goal or need. I aim to hold the larger vision of how you want to feel in your body and life with where/who you want to be on all levels in mind as we process present moment concerns.
My background in bodywork has taught me that where the pain manifests is often not where it is from. We are all vastly complex. We are also very embedded with patterns, some useful and others not as much. Counseling is a perfect place to explore our complexity and patterns and to choose how to cultivate ongoing meaning and authentic expression in a non-judgmental environment.
My favorite modalities include, ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), parts of self work IFS, NLP and other less known parts work practices, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, nature based therapy, depth psychology based work, compassion-focused therapy, gestalt therapy, motivational interviewing, strengths-based and existential psychotherapy and also have found DBT skills to be helpful in some cases
I employ a biopsychosocial spiritual orientation and am honored to work with people of all orientations and from every region of the world. If I am not able to offer effective counseling for an individual, I am happy to help find practitioners who can. I recognize my identities and privileges as a white person on the west coast of North America and also embody my life with the whole human family in mind and heart.
Heart Centered Hypnotherapy is a synthesis of a variety of evidence based therapy modalities combined with the best of hypnotherapy to access and resolve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Life-long patterns rooted in core beliefs, subconscious programming and memory are brought into consciousness and healed in a safe and structured environment. HCH is a way to support and heal parts of ourselves that are not normally accessible with traditional therapy. We build internal resources as part of each session so the client can continue to work between sessions in a useful and productive way. I teach clients how to stay connected to their internal resources to create healthy new beliefs.
Relaxed states and hypnotherapy have been used by all cultures for healing and development for time immemorial. Unfortunately, because of pop culture and misuse of power hypnotherapy is very misunderstood. I often hear people talk about “loss of control” and/or speak it until you believe it mentality. These conceptions could not be further from the truth. In fact, during the hypnotherapy modalities I practice, in service of healing, performance and behavior & belief change the client is more conscious not less. Further, lust like mindfulness, hypnotherapy is a skill that can be developed. It is not a matter of being strong minded or not. It is a skill one chooses to cultivate in service of healing. A very powerful one.
Sensorimotor psychotherapy rose to the top for me when looking at modalities to certify in that weave together somatic work & psychotherapy in service of trauma healing, healthy regulation and attachment and here is why…
Pat Ogden, the creator of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is, like me, a structural integrator and psychotherapist and weaves in the latest in polyvagal theory and trauma aware process work and finally her Buddhist spiritual path to offer a truly holisitc modality in service of healing, development and healthy relationship with self, others and nature.
Sensorimotor psychotherapy is a brilliant modality anchored in integrative models for mind/body/spirit/nature healing. The model weaves together the latest in neuroscience for trauma and attachment healing, Hikomi, structural integration & mindfulness.
I draw from multiple somatic modalities and from my experience with polyvagal theory practices, somato-emotional release somatic experiencing, yoga therapeutics, structural integration movement repatterning and more.
Support for navigating a diagnosis, planning the last chapter of life, legacy projects, pain relief processes, forgiveness work and all other aspects of this sacred transition. Healthy aging. Ceremonial and memorial services.
Guided journeying is a blend of many modalities and my own evolution as a provider. I have been fortunate to study with a number of exceptional teachers in this area. it has developed in vivo, meaning in my work with clients over years. A journey differs from a process-based session in that a journey is not planned. Instead, a journey starts with an intention and I guide us where we need to go to find our way. We journey on behalf of the client so I am just a guide and attendant of the energic hygiene and climate. It is one of the most profound expressions of healing work I have ever practiced. Journeying is a very rich practice that opens worlds that many other processes cannot access.
Guided Journeying is a wonderful maintenance self-care practice but is especially helpful when deeper healing is needed.
- When feeling fragmented/scattered or like something is missing from your wholeness
- When feeling unsupported/alone in life/abandoned
- When feeling foggy/ungrounded/spacey/disconnected
- When feeling lost/non-committal/accident prone
- When feeling exhausted/drained
- When feeling bound/limited/trapped
Guided journeying is an empowering way to do much needed healing work as you learn deeper ways to support yourself.
Soul and True Self smithing is work in service of developing the wisest and most resourced version of self. This work is unique to each person, their worldview, strengths, challenges, intentions and visions for their life. As with all of my work, we weave together unique practices rooted in the present moment, attuning to the inner wisdom of the client, their teams and all the resources we have access to. To smith the soul and the true self is the work to develop embodiment of the timeless self who knows the way.
SOMA Neuromuscular Integration is transformative bodywork based on the inseparability of body, mind, emotions and environment. It is a system of manual and movement therapy that optimizes neuromuscular patterning for systemic balance. SOMA is an International Association of Structural Integrators approved school of Structural Integration. Dr. Ida P. Rolf pioneered structural integration and her work demonstrated the central role of fascia in structural health. Since fascia is our organ of form it is integral to how we experience movement, posture and our environment. Fascia can thicken, harden and adhere to adjacent tissue in areas that are injured, bound by repetitive stress or are being pulled out of alignment by compensation patterns. SOMA Structural Integrators work hands on with the body and engage clients in gentle movements to help loosen and rehydrate the tissue that has become sticky and bound. Through the SOMA process, clients receive somatic re-education and movement tools on sitting, standing and locomotion. Every SOMA session brings the body into a higher level of organization so one can move through life with more ease, grace and freedom.
There are two main schools of craniosacral therapy. Biomechanical craniosacral is rooted in the physiological reality that living systems move and that is the sign of life. So, this approach works with tissue and fluid dynamics to support healing and regulation. The way that life moves is in patterns and rhythms and those rhythms and patterns are impacted my our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. This model approaches the work via optimizing these patterns.
Biodynamic craniosacral work is based on a shamanistic and meditative approach as well as on physiological facts, making it profound, potent and powerful. The biodynamic approach works with tissue, fluid and field meaning practitioners cultivate abilities to support the tissue body, the fluid body and the energy body.
Craniosacral therapy is based on the understanding that the same natural forces shaping the world also influence the human body. It focuses on a concept called Primary Respiration—a subtle, rhythmic movement present in all living organisms. This movement is distinct from other natural rhythms like respiratory and heart heartbeat and plays a critical role in maintaining physiological balance.
Visceral work is a crucial element in holistic manual and movement therapy. Organ systems have their own unique mobility and motility that allows them to function optimally in their respective roles. Further, the relationships between the organs leading to a well whole person is vitally important, especially now as our systems are required to process higher exposures than ever to stressors.
Biodynamically speaking, each organ system has an energetic signature and an ability to express it’s condition, state and needs if listened to appropriately. I have found visceral work to be a missing piece in many healing journeys from car accidents and sports injuries to emotional and spiritual challenges and even just the process of life and love providing this potent and multifaceted work.
Intraoral and Intranasal massage is a safe and effective therapy for the muscles, tissues and structures of the head, face, neck/throat, inside and outside of the mouth and nose. It is a valuable treatment for people who suffer from TMJ dysfunction, clenching, grinding, jaw clicking, jaw tension, migraines, chronic sinus problems, head injuries, whiplash, strains, tension and compression patterns from orthodontia or dental surgery, headaches, ear congestion, tinnitus, neck pain, vertigo, eye strain and other painful conditions of the face, neck and head.
After experiencing intraoral/intranasal work most people fall in love with it because of how good it makes you feel!!
My very first training in the healing arts and sciences was reiki in 2000. Since then I have studied with numerous teachers and multiple modalities and continue to find interesting energetic medicine courses to take. In addition to being attuned at the teacher/master level of reiki and attuned to the teacher level in transpersonal process facilitation, I draw from the vitalist tradition (vedic, TCH-nature based), polarity, sourcepoint (L1 only), subtle energy, biodynamic craniosacral & visceral, nervous system support and field work, applied kinesiology, pattern recognition employing my system as witness/observer, dreams, meditation instruction, symbols and archetypes in service of an individual and more.
Remember, when we are talking energy it is actual energy and not some esoteric concept…It is literally your bioelectrical energy, your heart field, your breath vibration, your subtle bodies and soul emanating presence! Nature!!
There two main ways that energy work happens.
The first one I usually call the open system approach. It is when the practitioner brings in energetic support on behalf of the client. This can happen in a variety of ways including attunements, transmission, channeling and more. Examples of this type of energy work are reiki and therapeutic touch.
The second way energetic work happens is what I call the closed system approach. This approach is when the practitioner works with the energy of the client only and does not bring in outside energetic support. This approach is in service of balance and hygiene. Examples of this approach are polarity therapy and pranic healing.
there are yet other energetic medicine systems like sourcepoint that are unique so I will called it a transpersonal approach to energy medicine
I offer custom essences for people and animals. I have been a devoted student and crafter of flower essences for over 30 years and believe that everyone can benefit from these powerful yet gentle medicines.
Essences are gentle yet profoundly powerful medicines that support the system on the consciousness level. From there, they help nudge, steer and orient the system toward balance and healing. Sometimes they are subtle and other times they are very obvious in their therapeutic support.
I work with literally hundreds and am adding to my collection all the time. My process of building a formula for a client in a layered one. I blend my understanding of plant families, their floral signature and evolutionary placement with multiple processes of discernment. Once complete the formula is charged in different ways depending on the situation, need and intention of the client.
An ordained minister is a member of clergy who has been authorized to perform spiritual services and provide guidance to a community.
I became an ordained minister in 2008 so that I could offer ceremonial and memorial services for my clients including weddings, funerals and other sacred transitions in life.
For example, when a client was diagnosed with a terminal illness my ordination made it possible for me to interact with the rest of the care team and funeral services team to support the desires of my client. This service is so important because it gives the client agency and creative license to plan their post-mortem services. This is called legacy work and it is infinitely creative.
This same process is applied with weddings, births ect…
With weddings the process work prior to the event varies greatly depending on the couple from very structured planning over 6-9 months to in-the-moment journeying. Vow writing, values work, symbolism and all the other details are attended to.
Weaving the sacred and the mundane based on the clients worldview and wishes!!
WHEN things happened (time) gets a lot of attention because humans have organized the idea of time in a linear way.
WHERE things happen matters and we are wise to attend to spaces. Geographies are complex. The concept of geography, or a place/space where life happens applies to the physical, social, spiritual, cultural, emotional etcetera. I earned a degree in human geography from the University of Washington and am also a certified permaculture designer. I was lucky to get to take my design certification from the late and great Toby Hemenway, the author of Gaia’s Garden.
Geographies are in our bodies, minds, hearts and include the relational spaces, the locations where life happens. Culture and institutions are geographies.
Sacred geography works with the spatial scales from personal to relational to community to institutional to cultural to transpersonal and spiritual and energetic… All of these spaces exist simultaneously as we cocreate our daily lives.
I offer sacred geography as a modality that has developed organically for me out of my love and commitment to the where and how and not the the when and why of life. These sessions can be thought of as memorial and ceremonial services for places, spaces and locations like homes, offices and places where significant events have occurred or will occur. I also offer healing work for spaces. These offerings are unique to each situation and weave together the important aspects of the situation for the client(s) and the place. Examples of this type of work is a memorial space for a loved one who has passed on or a place to cultivate spiritual practice. Healing work for spaces is part of our human heritage. Every culture has ways that they bless, clean, restore, organize and heal spaces. I have felt called to this work since I was a child and love it!