Holistic Counselor  | Transpersonal Doula  | Somatic Therapist

Holistic Counselor
Transpersonal Doula
Somatic Therapist


SOMA Neuromuscular Integration is transformative bodywork based on the inseparability of body, mind, emotions and environment. It is a system of manual and movement therapy that optimizes neuromuscular patterning for systemic balance. SOMA is an International Association of Structural Integrators approved school of Structural Integration. Dr. Ida P. Rolf pioneered structural integration and her work demonstrated the central role of fascia in structural health. Since fascia is our organ of form it is integral to how we experience movement, posture and our environment. Fascia can thicken, harden and adhere to adjacent tissue in areas that are injured, bound by repetitive stress or are being pulled out of alignment by compensation patterns. SOMA Structural Integrators work hands on with the body and engage clients in gentle movements to help loosen and rehydrate the tissue that has become sticky and bound. Through the SOMA process, clients receive somatic re-education and movement tools on sitting, standing and locomotion. Every SOMA session brings the body into a higher level of organization so one can move through life with more ease, grace and freedom.

SOMA Neuromuscular Integration is offered as an 11 session series or as stand-alone sessions. The benefit of doing “the series” is that it is progressive and comprehensive, each session building on the last to optimize movement patterns and function in the body through releasing, aligning and reeducating the whole body via the connective tissue. Connective tissue is the most abundance tissue in the body, covering every muscle, nerve, bone and organ. It is our organ of form. We address patterns from day to day wear and tear, performance and injury leaving you with better capacity to connect with your body and perform with greater levity and grounding.


  • SOMA is very effective for athletes – refine your connection to breath, power, strength and grace while increasing performance with less effort.
  • People healing from injuries and/or living with chronic pain and illness- SOMA will support your internal resources to heal and live with more ease through releasing and integrating structural patterns that bind and constrict breath, flow and movement.
  • The effects of aging are greatly improved by SOMA! Greater verticality, strength, balance and ease are dramatically felt in older bodies.
  • Office workers, musicians, artists/trades people of all disciplines are perfect candidates for SOMA! Release, integrate and diversify patterns in your body for improved function, performance and alignment. SOMA is very effective in treating pain from repetitive use and will bring muscle groups into a more balanced relationship with the whole body.


Focus: Releasing the tissue surrounding the rib cage and lengthen the lower back.
Results: A sense of lightness and well-being, more upright posture and fuller, deeper breathing. A sense of freedom in the middle of the body.

Focus: The body’s foundation, lower legs and feet.
Results: A sense of being firmly grounded and in touch with reality. Greater articulation through legs and feet.

Focus: Lengthening the sides of the body and free the shoulder girdle. The relationship between the pelvis, ribcage and shoulder girdle.
Results: Expanded and more easeful breathing, greater ability to relax, more available energy.

Focus: Adjust and lengthen the vertical core or center line of the body.
Results: Increased balance and freedom of movement. More complex relationship to movement. Movement and walking takes a fraction of the energy as usual resulting in levity and coordination.

Focus: Release tissue of neck, face and head.
Results: Softened and relaxed sense and appearance in face and facial expression. Increased sense of personal power and self-reliance.

We dedicate the final three sessions to integrating and connecting the release work we did with the new patterns your body and mind discovered through the process of going through the series. These sessions are the way to lasting change through allowing your body-mind to connect and embody the new and improved neuromuscular patterns and way of being.

Focus: Integrate the whole body in gravity while owning deeper connection to new neuromuscular patterns that are more efficient, graceful and easeful.
Results: Less stress and increased awareness, energy and connection to self and environment as you become more aligned and in tune the gravity field.

Delivered after Session 9
Focus: Release and integrate the arms and shoulder girdle. Work with the movement of energy through the arms and down the back.
Results: Increased function and sensation of the arms as they swing more freely. Increased rotary function. More connection through the torso, from scapula to sacrum. Increase energy for movement.